Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Spring Semester Begins...

"If winter comes, can spring be far behind?"
- Percy Bysshe Shelley

Today was SUCH a nice day! It was warm and sunny, to use a cliche, and the campus was teeming with people -- students hanging out in the sun (sunbathing outside Frist/playing frisbee/ football/ going on runs etc), and it was really interesting to see the huge number of visitors we got today! There were a lot of visitors/tourists -- both teenagers as well as grown-ups, and they seemed to love the weather, and of course, seemed to love the scenic views Princeton has to offer. I had lunch at Iano's, and maybe because it was a Saturday, there were SO many people who had come to shop/window shop at the market!

Today, I actually felt, for the first time this break, that the entire campus was awake.

This spring break, from start to end, has been a bit like the transition from winter to spring. It started off relatively dull, and the weather, with rain and heavy cloud cover, contributed to that gloomy, lazy mood. Gradually though, it became more interesting - I played cricket, started being slightly (VERY slightly) more productive, and by this weekend, Saturday, we had perfect weather, the campus came alice and I actually got a lot of stuff done - stuff that was not academic work, but needed to be done anyway.

Spring break has now officially almost ended. School's going to start tomorrow!

And it really does feel, maybe it's just me, that the "spring" semester is going to start on Monday.

I love the feeling in the air - two things are contributing to this - firstly, the weather, and secondly, the fact that students are now returning to campus. I ran into good friend of mine (who lives in my hallway) when I was exiting my room, and who had gone away for a course field trip (to ROME!!), and I literally jumped because I was seeing her after such a long time!! And then, other people returned too - the two resident aliens, RAs of my room, and one of my roommates, who had gone to Boston to visit a friend's place. The dining hall is going to see a lot more people tomorrow, and I have a feeling Rocky - Mathey's servery will open for dinner, as it's the Sunday before school starts! (I think I learned about this last break - during intercession - that all dining halls open up the final day - the day break ends). It seems that everyone is refreshed, everyone is ready to take on the challenges of the post - break semester. And I think, so am I. (:

I need to be working on assignments today, but somehow that feeling of uneasiness associated usually with pending work is not there. Maybe it's an illusion created by the break - a dangerous illusion at that - but I like it. I do realize the importance of finishing it on time though, and I'm going to try my best to get a lot of stuff done today.

With that, let the madness begin!!!

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