Friday, October 22, 2010

Hectic day


First ORF 309 at 11 am in the morning, then lunch, then frist tech clinic job from 1 to 3, then a rush to complete my eco 362 hw and turn it in by 4.30 at fisher (even though the office didn't close till 5 -- unlike what my preceptor told me), plus the weather was so cold and the wind was so piercing. By 4.30 I was feeling really crappy, thought I had a fever.

I just went to Frist, sat there for about two hours, drank two double Chais. Kaya was there for most of the time, doing some Naacho stuff. And I was talking to her, thinking about stuff, and reading parts of the Economist and the New Yorker that I had just pulled out of my mailbox. And oh oh! For about 80% of the time, she was there too! She was sitting with a friend, around two tables away, and her friend was apparently explaining math (sounded like trig - secant and what not) to her. We looked at each other I think once.

Anyhow, I was really, REALLY tired. I had slept at 5 am that morning as I had been studying for my ORF exam. So I came back around 6.30, shaved, checked my email (that was overdue), went for dinner around 7.45, where I ran into Mark, Jared, Frank, Mandy and Alex.

After I returned, I thought to check out the study break at Sarah and Norma's room -- where they had said they would be showing the Hangover. Megan and Will tried to convince me to go for the Code @ Night thingy -- this event planned by the ACM where a bunch of people sit and code together ALL NIGHT! Sounded like fun, but I was feeling really sick and cold (with a sore throat, and I suspected I had fever -- but maybe that's just tiredness). So I actually spent around 2 hours just at the study break.

The break was fun -- interacted with other freshmen from the hall, and with the RCAs. We were trying to set up the movie on a bigger screen -- but both of our attempts to do so failed -- buying an HDMI cable from the U Store so that we could see the movie on the HUGE TV in the lounge proved to be too expensive ($30 for something I got for $5 on Amazon), and Rohan's monitor didn't work even though I provided them with the VGA to VGA cable that I had lying in the box of my Dell monitor. Eventually ended up watching it on Norma's around 15-inch HP laptop.

Came back and coded for about two hours now. Still a long way to go on this assignment. Memory leaks sound threatening and dangerous, but I have to do what I have to do. I really, REALLY hope that I get this done my tomorrow night at the latest, so that I can study for my four other midterms next week from Sunday onwards (1 on Wednesday, 2 on Thursday, 1 on Friday).

I MUST GO TO SLEEP NOW. It's 2.20 AM -- I slept at 5 AM -- that's around 22 hours -- I guess that's a high for this semester :P but I won't be surprised if I have to beat that sometime later this year or even later this semester.

Adios, and goodnight. I really need to get some rest, so that I can be fit enough to study from tomorrow. Will try to wake up around 9.30 AM.
