Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Long Day!

SUCH a long day!!

Math class in the morning.. bike accident in the morning (slipped in the snow in the tricky region near the sides of paths), COS lecture - a big one and a half hours, but it was interesting and understandable today, going to McCosh - getting the wound washed and dressed, meeting with Ms.Satomi, having late meal, going back to McCosh (to have knee and elbow shown to doctor), having late meal before going back to McCosh, then attending EGR lecture (the professor today was SOOOO good man), then going for the OPT info session by Dean Baldwin, then going for dinner, then going for the Global Seminars info session, then going back to the room , then going to my writing seminar and forgetting my bag with just five minutes for it to start, then going back to my room to get my back and rushing (on my bike) back to class, then the writing seminar - which was awesome. Then going to frist for late meal - meeting friends and playing pool too. Coming back by 11. Then checking facebook, email. Then writing this entry. Now I’m supposed to do the groundwork for my freshman seminar for tomorrow. And call home.

AHHHH.. such a long day!! And it’s still not over.

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