Saturday, May 24, 2008

What Makes People Change?

It has been rightly said,"The only thing constant in this world, is Change".
In today's competitive world, the ability to change and adapt is of major significance. Different people perceive various situations differently. but what everyone has realized today is the need for changing with the times, and changing in time.

One of the major factors which motivates people to change is the sheer fact that if they don't, they'll be left behind! That if they don't, the situation might go out of control!People have come to realize that whenever they face a difficult situation, they must not only fight valiantly, but in the process, also change to face the different facets of the problem.

A case in point would be India's Great struggle for independence. For decades, Indians had been living under oppression. But one man, one man realized the need to change the outlook of the people, to change their attitude. One man changed their perception of freedom, and subsequently, changed the country.

People who have been through many ecperiences of love and hate, passion and crime, justice and injustice, success and failure, realize that change is very important to survive through life. People change because they know that changing with the situation can only help them face challenges and difficulties in a better manner. People change because they know that lock of change can have disastrous consequences.

We've not been able to find an effective vaccine for the HIV virus. Why? Change. Adaptability. Apparently the virus adapts itself to the conditions in which it is present, rendering the vaccines and medication useless.

Everyone knows that to be able to move forward in life, change is inevitable. Change is necessary. And change for the good, is one key to success!

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